Where I have been// CHIT CHAT GRWM life update

hello hello hello

Today I am sharing a VERY vulnerable side of myself. I'm sharing the chronic illness (short gut syndrome) that I have been dealing with since 2001.

I have never been someone to share my personal life with people. Literally only a very close few people in my life truly know the extent of what I deal with on a day to day basis. I made this video for me. For me to help get that stress of constantly hiding in the fact that I had secrets and medicine that wasn't "normal" and to hopefully help make people more aware and just knowledgable.

I was hospitalized this past week, and although I have had worse hospitalizations (and MANY of them), lately it is weighing on me. These past couple of months have been weighing on me.

If I have learned ONE thing in this life- it's that you don't know what anyone is going through. You JUST DON"T. Take the time to be compassionate, learn about people, be sympathetic and empathetic when you can. Love. and Love soooo hard .

Have the happiest week! //

During this past hospitalization I was visited by the sweetest old man and his cutie little corgi! he just layed on my bed while the man told me all kinds of stories.